Ability to duplicate projects
Shalene Sloup
When will this feature be launched? I am trying to make a 1SE of the memories of my fiance and me for our wedding in early April, and combing through 5 years of footage is rough.
Vinh Dinh
Vinh Dinh
under review
Marilyn García
Merged in a post:
Duplicate and split project or ‘save as’
Katy Ferguson
I would find this really useful when creating similar projects but for slightly different purposes, especially when the project goes back a long way of contains a lot of snippets.
Eg I have 2 children. I want to have a main ‘family’ mashup with all our clips in, but cut out clips featuring mostly sibling A out of one version, and cut out clips featuring mostly sibling B out of another. If I could duplicate the project and edit the duplicates, or ‘save asks’ the newer versions, then I could have a long whole family mashup, and create more personally directed, shorter mashups for each child with mostly just themselves as the hero.
If I could duplicate or split the project somehow, it would be a much quicker way of doing this than having to build separate projects from scratch!
Marilyn García
Hi Katy Ferguson ,
Thanks for the feedback.
We offer the option of creating custom mashed videos by adding arbitrary snippets to it. This way you can include the snippets of child A or child B only. Would this cover your use case? Here's how to do that: https://help.1se.co/en/articles/3703781-how-to-choose-the-dates-to-mash
Katy Ferguson
Marilyn García: hi, thank you for your reply. No this would not cover it at all. I have a thousand clips (and will have triple that soon) in one project, and want to edit it by cutting some clips out and creating a new version without losing my master copy, instead of starting a new project and having to sort through a thousand clips again and downloading them from the cloud. It seems a bit ridiculous not to be able to just duplicate a project since all the info is there, or at least to edit it and save the edit as a new version without overwriting the original.
Marilyn García
Katy Ferguson : If you mash custom snippets you'll be cutting out the videos that do not belong to your movie. You won't lose your original videos and your project will not be altered in any way. This of it as a filtered mashed video.
Katy Ferguson
Marilyn García: thanks, this won’t work ongoing, as each time I want to update it, I’ll have to sort through all the snippets again and add them to the custom mash to re mash. This main project contains multiple snippets a day, every day, going back 5 years.
The most efficient way to do what I want to do is to duplicate the project. I am really amazed that this isn’t possible!
Marilyn García
Katy Ferguson : Thanks for clarifying. I'll merge your request with the one that has the most votes. Rest assured we're constantly working on new features and improvements :)
Vinh Dinh
Katy Ferguson : Hi Katy, thanks for the feedback! If you have some time, I'd love to chat with you more about this and any other feedback you might have: https://calendly.com/productchat/hi
P Paulsen
HI please please please add this feature ! This would make work so much easier and enable multitude of possibilities and exports for all the selection work that has also been done !
Marilyn García
Merged in a post:
I'd like to be able to duplicate a journal or project
Hi, I think being able to duplicate a project would be really helpful because it'd be great to be able to create different edits of what I'm working on. Currently, I'm working on a compilation of my baby's 1st year and I'd like to have a longer version and a shorter version. But there's no way for me to duplicate the journal now which is disheartening. And it would be way too much work to recreate in a separate project...
Silvia Burgos
Hi Caroline! Duplicating a project is not possible at the moment, but you can select which snippets you want to include in each of your mashes. Here's how: https://help.1se.co/en/articles/3703781-how-to-choose-the-dates-to-mash.
This would be an extremely helpful feature! And I think it's fairly standard across most content creation tools. Many people like to have multiple versions of videos for various purposes or audiences.
Marilyn García
Merged in a post:
Make a Copy of Project
I’d love if I could make a copy of my project, where I’d have all the snippets and everything exactly (like a duplicate). This is because I want to have 2 projects, 1 where I have a second a day for a year but also, another one for the most memorable memories of the year. I really don’t want to go in and look for every single memorable moment and have to crop and cut videos all again so being able to duplicate a project would be SO helpful! Thank you!!!
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