Ability to bulk delete snippets. [iOS]
Erica Liao
please make this happen -- this takes up way too much space on our phones if there's about 4 years worth of snippets.
Vinh Dinh
Erica Liao In case you're a pro user, we also allow you to archive away entire projects or turn on space optimization, which should reduce the storage by up to 70%.
Vinh Dinh
We plan to add this as part of multi-selection, i.e. allowing users to select multiple snippets and do a certain action like delete on them.
Vinh Dinh
under review
Marilyn García
Merged in a post:
Delete multiple snippets or days at once
I'd want to be able to select days and delete the snippets in those days.
For example now I'm done with 2021 but didn't realize i had to create a new project for 2022. So now the 2021 project has all my 2022 snippets. I'd like to be able to delete all 2021 snippets since I've already exported it.
Marilyn García
Merged in a post:
Delete multiple photos at once
To be able to remove photos a lot at once for those wanting to delete a year to save storage
Marilyn García
Merged in a post:
Can I delete 2020 all in one go and just keep 2021
Steph Annen
uh yes!
I’d be really interested in that as well
Marilyn García
Merged in a post:
A button to clear everything
I would love to have a button to click and everything is getting deleted so you can start all over again <3
Silvia Burgos
You can already delete a project. Here's how: https://help.1se.co/en/articles/4662154-how-to-edit-delete-any-project
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